Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Important: opportunity to test new account infrastructure

Back in May, we announced that more Google applications are coming for Google Apps customers. This is being made possible by a significant overhaul to our underlying systems. While we expect this to have have no direct impact on how your Marketplace applications work, we did want to explicitly invite you to test these changes to ensure your application still works flawlessly.

More information:

Testing signup form:

One UX item to note: 
Currently most Google Apps customers can only login via OpenID using the Google Apps OpenID endpoint. Unless they have a 'normal' Google account with the same e-mail address, they're unable to login to the 'consumer' OpenID endpoint. This will change for these next generation Google Apps accounts --- they'll be able to login both to the 'consumer' endpoint and the Google Apps endpoint. However, their OpenID identifier URIs will be different depending on which endpoint they use to login. You'll want to make sure to still guide all Google Apps customers to login via the Google Apps endpoint and you'll continue to get the same OpenID identifier for those users, which you'll notice is on their own domain (eg as opposed to Google's domain (

Please let us know if you have questions or problems related to this change by posting in the most relevant Google Apps developer discussion forum.