Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Introducing the Apps Ecosystem Marketing Test Kitchen

The Google Apps Marketplace team is always looking for ways to help its vendors add new users and improve installation metrics. In order to help achieve these goals, we have launched the Apps Ecosystem Marketing Kitchen. Through experimentation, we want to collectively identify, test, and share best marketing practices for business web app.

The first initiative we cooked up is designed to help you, as a vendor, minimize the abandonment rate of Marketplace prospects as they bounce around your Marketplace property and various product pages without clear a “call to action”.

The Challenge:
The vendors who drive the most traffic and installs to their Marketplace listing page through their “Add to Apps” button between Nov 9th - 16th will be included in the front page Featured and Notable sections on the Apps Marketplace site.

To find out about this challenge and future ones, check out the Google Apps Developer Blog. Additionally, stay in touch with us on Buzz and Twitter. Send your questions and suggestions to

Harrison Shih, Associate Product Marketing Manager, Google Apps Marketplace